About Us

What is YUPAC?

YUPAC is a bipartisan group of Yeshiva University students who work together with the goal of strengthening the US-Israel relationship and advocating for other important Jewish communal causes.

We host events, organize advocacy trips for students, teach about political activism and lobbying, and put out educational material.

Our goal is to train & empower the next generation of advocates for Israel, and the next generation of leaders of the Jewish People.

Why should I join?

Learn how to be an advocate and take an active role in supporting the US-Israel Relationship.

Access to exclusive conversations and events with influential speakers and politicians.

Expand your network by interacting with like-minded students in a friendly environment.

Ways to get involved

Join our WhatsApp group to receive news updates and find out about upcoming events and opportunities!

Come to events! YUPAC hosts events throughout the year with influential speakers and politicians.

Attend YUPAC's programs, which will include a lobbying trip to Washington DC and a  Shabbaton.

Volunteer on a pro-Israel candidate's campaign, or intern for an organization that advances YUPAC's mission.

2023-2024 Board + Members

Jacqueline Englanoff

Hillel Golubtchik

Moshe Wolff

Shoshana Fisher

Sam Weinberg 

Rafi Press

Moshe Coronel

Shira Kramer

Aiden Harow

Judah Troodler

Josh Pomerantz

Yaira Katz

Yekusiel Levin

Zach Winters

Shmuel Belizon

Miriam Kassin

Yael Sabo

Bat-Tzion Atik

Allie Orgen

Avi Polotsky

Zehava Shatzkes



Vice President - Programming and Logistics

Vice President

Vice President - Education

Editor - News 4 The Jews 

News Reporter 

Report Writer

Report Writer

Report Writer

Report Writer

AIPAC Campus Liason - Beren

AIPAC Campus Liason - Wilf Campus Political Engagement

Political Engagement

Political Engagement

Political Engagement



DC Manager

Fellowship Coordinator

Marketing / PR

...in addition to the 140+ undergraduates who are registered members on CampusGroups!