
YUPAC is excited to announce our upcoming events for the 2024-2025 school year once the summer is over!

In the meantime, check out what we accomplished in past years:

Join our CampusGroups

The best way for YU students to keep up with YUPAC events for 2024-2025 is to join our CampusGroups using this link.

Our DC Trips

YUPAC's largest event is a trip to Washington, DC to lobby for pro-Israel legislation.

Senator Joe Lieberman

Together with the Dunner Political Science Society, YUPAC was privileged to host Senator Joe Lieberman for a conversation on the role of Jewish values in politics and leadership. Senator Joe Lieberman, a Modern Orthodox Jew, is a former Senator (1989 to 2013),  Connecticut Attorney General, and nominee for Vice President of the US.

Campaign for George Latimer

Together with Pro-Israel student organizations from around NYC, YUPAC worked diligently with the campaign of George Latimer for US Congress. Latimer ran in NY-16 against Jamaal Bowman, who had established himself as a foe to Israel in Congress.

Latimer won the race in no small part to the efforts put in by pro-Israel students and lobbyists who dedicated time and effort to ensuring an overt anti-Semite isn't given the chance to come back to Congress. YUPAC thanks all of those who participated in the phone bank effort and looks forward to running similar events in hopes of repeating the success!

Rabbi Steven Weil

YUPAC was grateful to host Rabbi Steven Weil, CEO of the FIDF. Rabbi Weil is the Former Senior Managing Director of the OU and YU and RIETS Alum. Over 80 students gathered to hear Rabbi Weil, one of the most engaging speakers and deep-thinking Jewish minds of our time. It was a great privilege and opportunity to hear from him, contextualizing Israel's national security situation, giving ideas of what is to come, as well as the role of the IDF. 

Dr. Micheal Doran

YUPAC, co-hosting with the Alexander Hamilton Society, welcomed Dr. Michael Doran of the Hudson Institute. He shared his perspective on the current climate in the Middle East and the US perspective on global affairs!

Dr. Chuck Freilich

For the first YUPAC event of the '23-'24 school year, YUPAC hosted Dr. Chuck Freilich, a former deputy Israeli National Security Advisor. With the uncertainty of what was, what is and what will be right now, Dr. Freilich was able to address the questions of our students. Over 75 YU students and faculty members attended the incredible event!

Dr. Clawson and Dr. Cristol

On Nov. 21, YUPAC held a moderated discussion between Stern College Professor Dr. Jonathan Cristol, a subject matter expert for a Maryland-based defense contractor and a senior fellow at the Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College, and Dr. Patrick Clawson, the Morningstar Senior Fellow and the Director of Research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The topics ranged from the Iran Deal, the U.S.-Israel relationship, and general Middle East policy. Over 75 YU students and faculty members attended the incredible event! More on the event here: Dr. Clawson and Dr. Cristol

An Evening with Jason Greenblatt 

On Sept. 6, YU students had the opportunity to hear from Jason Greenblatt, the former White House Middle East envoy who worked for former President Trump and advised him on matters relating to Israel and the Middle East. Greenblatt discussed both his experience working for the former president and his new book, “In the Path of Abraham.” Read more about the event here. 

Event Proposals

If you have ideas for a future YUPAC event or a connection for a speaking engagement, please fill out this form.